Michael Zander Panorama - Links
Michael Zander's Panorama Page
Welcome to my Panorama Page The Making of Panorama Photographs. See how much of Fun it is. The primary Gallery. All really serious Stuff, primarily travelling here and there. The mixed bag ... Galleries III Get in touch!
A collection of links I find worthwhile to visit - on Panos. Damit auch alles rechtens iss ...
The Link Page

Find here a collection of links. Not only, but also on panorama photography. Just what I think interesting or - simply - beautyful.



Compass Box whiskies - a truely unique experience to all who love to enjoy the bottled sun. Other than the genuine and straight stuff, this is a real designer drug ...

Not cheap, not everwhere to get, but when you can afford and find it - get it.

None the least, and as a last resort, try the site and find out more.

Spiegel - THE German news magazine in the on-line version. If you can read German - fine. Though, it has a small English section as well ...

Die Zeit On-Line - A German weekly. Deeply reflected contributions, big feuliton section, high reputation and loads of academic job postings.

For all those who don't believe their friends - find out about your secret obsessions ...

Panorama-Community, a German panorama web forum. I have signed up recently and since enjoy the fine collection of pictures and interesting pages of the members.

Jens Hartmann, just stunning pictures

What a hungry man. Seemingly he enjoys his cafeteria meals. They look quite appetizing, though ...

Great idea and great collection of other pictures.

Schleswig-Holstein 360° - havn't been aware yet, that someone's walking around Schleswig-Holstein (the most northern "Bundesland" in Germany, flat as a dish and our home since 2000) taking panorama photographs. Very beautiful and scenic pictures, nice illumination and a very professional site. I enjoy it every time I visit ...

Fotofront - avantgarde inspiring and interesting.

Josef Schulz - you'll find his work in Fotofront, the recommendation above. Linear panorama photographs on the Avignon Centre Commercial, but very interesting his other "Arbeiten" (work). Rewarded 1st prize of the 2001 architecture photography award of architekurbild e.v.

Young guy with an impressive talent - I think ..., and no bullshitting!

Roundshot - very professional and cultivated "MIDs"!

Predominantly because there it loads of Hamburg!

Oliver Hohenauers Page on Panorama Photography - The most comprehensive collection of technical information. Hope he is going to post some pictures soon as well. May be a busy man, though.

Worldmapper.com - Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest. There are now nearly 600 maps. Maps 1-366 are also available as PDF posters.

An impressive collection and very particular way to display demoscopic data. It gets you in touch with the dimesnions of the world ...








© Michael Zander - 2014


Michael Zander's Panorama Page Michael Zander's Panorama Page Welcome to my Panorama Page The Making of Panorama Photographs. See how much of Fun it is. The primary Gallery. All really serious Stuff, primarily travelling here and there. The mixed bag ... Galleries III Get in touch! worldmapper Hohenauer architekturbildev fotofront josefschulz Lukwa panoramaphotography roundshot SH360 Sesom JensHartmann PanoramaCommunity DieZeit Spiegel compassbox